International Road Safety Conference – KRSKRR | K.R. për Siguri në Komunikacionin Rrugor

Papers and presentations of 1 International Road Safety Conference 2016

Photo gallery of 1 International Road Safety Conference 2016

Road traffic safety presents common responsibility on international, regional, national and local level. In order to achieve level of harmony and safety in the traffic system, there is need of multidiscipline approach by all stakeholders in the society that by any means are related to the traffic safety. This approach asks for serious institutional leadership and cooperation in the frames of the system, engaging the public and private sector, civil society and the media.   

Republic Council on Road Traffic Safety (RCRTS) in the Republic of Macedonia is the leading authority in the area of the traffic that works in the area of promotion and development of the traffic education, culture and ethics among all traffic participants, initiate cooperation and implementation of the activities and measures for improvement of the road traffic safety.

Building effective and efficient system for decreasing the number of traffic accidents and victims from traffic accidents is a long-term process that asks for devoted work and using the best practices and experiences from the countries that already succeeded to develop serious system for managing with the road traffic safety.

In direction of accomplishment of the goals stipulated by the Decade for road traffic safety and exchange of best practices and experiences, RCRTS of the Republic of Macedonia is organizing a Conference, entitled as:   
„Managing the road traffic safety in the Southeast Europe – challenges and directions for acting“.

The Conference will be held in the period from 29.09.2016 to 01.10.2016 in the Hotel “Aleksandar Palace” in Skopje.
Only the scientific papers with previous invitation will be exposed on the Conference. Also, round table will be organized in which the representatives from the leading authorities for road traffic safety from the regional countries will present the best practices and experiences for promotion of the road traffic safety in their countries.

Conference will be hosted by:

President of the Republic of Macedonia
PhD Gjorge Ivanov

Topics of the Conference:

  • Managing the traffic safety as a challenge of each modern society;
  • Promotion of the road network safety;
  • Promotion of the vehicles safety;
  • Raising the awareness and promotion of the traffic culture among the traffic participants;
  • Raising the quality of the insight groups and insight documentation as a precondition for proper Determination of the reasons for occurring traffic accidents;
  • Strengthening the capacity of the local authority for managing the safety on local level;
  • Promotion of the safety of the vulnerable groups of traffic participants;
  • Decreasing the seriousness of the consequences from the traffic accidents;
  • Fictive traffic accidents and frauds with the insurance.

Conference participants:

  • University Professors from the regional countries;
  • Representatives of the leading authorities for traffic safety;
  • Representatives from the Ministry of interior;
  • Skillful persons from the area of the traffic;
  • Representatives from the local governments;
  • Traffic engineers;
  • Insurance companies;
  • Students.

The participation fee is 100 EUR and includes:

  • Accreditation and presence in all activities in the Conference;
  • Materials from the conference;
  • Cocktail during the brakes;
  • Gala dinner;
  • Excursion;
  • Participation Certificate.

Notice: The participation fee does not cover the accommodation and food.

According to above mentioned, and towards the successful implementation of the 1st International Road Safety Conference, we will be more than happy if Your institution participates in this event with appropriate representatives who will take part in all panel discussions, and thus directly contribute to increasing of road traffic safety in the Southeast Europe.

Working languages ​​of the conference will be Macedonian and English.

The costs for the conference cover each institution separately, for all its participants.


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